1.) Anyone can make topos

You can make topos alone or with other climbers.

If you're planning to make a topo from an area where you don't live at or haven't developed it yourself, it's a good idea to get in touch with Tim (tim@27crags.com) to check what's the local situation.

2.) Making topos is free & you don't need Premium subscription for it

Making topos doesn't cost anything to you and you don't need a Premium subscription for it. 

3.) You don't need any technical skills for making topos

Just download the 27 Crags app on your smartphone to create topos easily. You can also make topos through our website. You can also combine both of these ways.

4.) You get paid whenever someone uses your Premium topo

We pay 50% of the Premium subscription income to all our authors. The amount of money you get is based on the size and quality of the topo, and the amount of users it gets.

There's many authors who earn hundreds of euros per month from their topos during the season.

5.) Making topos is very fast compared to printed guidebook

Logging and creating a bouldering area of 100 problems will take you around 2-3h in the field. 

6.) Free topos

There's two types on topos in 27 Crags: Free and Premium. Free topos are free for users and you don't get paid for making them.

The limit of a free topo size is 20 lines and 7 topo images, and they are missing elements which can be found in Premium topos.

There's no quality control on free topos. 

7.) Premium topos 

Premium topos are available to Premium users, and you get paid when people use them.

Premium topos go through an evaluation by the 27 Crags team to make sure they are complete and of high quality.

8.) You will retain all existing ownership to your unique data

27 Crags will have only a licence to your material. You will always stay in control fo your material.

We don't require exclusivity, which means you can still create a printed guidebook or add your topo to other digital topo services if you like.

9.) 27 Crags will have a positive impact on your printed guidebook sales

If you have already published a printed guidebook, it might be interesting to know that our authors report that offering both digital and printed guidebooks from climbing area increases the overall sales.

10.) You can get started right away!

Just download our app or go to our website to get started!

Here's also a step-by-step guide on how to make topos through our website.

If you have any questions or you need help, just reach out to Tim from our team: tim(at)27crags.com!