All Premium topos go through an evaluation by our team to make sure that all published topos are high quality.

Once you are happy with your Premium topo and believe it's complete enough to be published, you can send it for evaluation via the app or browser version of 27 Crags.

*Before you send your topo for evaluation, make sure to check if everything is in order here

Sending Premium topo to evaluation from the web

1. Go to the crag you want to publish.

2. Click "TOPOS"

3. Click the "edit" button on the right-hand side and choose "send to evaluation".


4. After clicking send, you will see a view like this with the exact information for your topo:

Potential problems with topos

In this example there's not enough content to publish the topo as Premium.

  • At least 90% of the lines need to be drawn on the topo images before sending it to evaluation.
  • This information box also indicates if there's content in your topos which is added by someone outside of your team. To have the right to use free content added by others, the contributing authors need to be part of the team. 
  • If a contributing author is not part of the team, their content will be hidden when the topo is published as Premium. So in this case you'd need to re-create the hidden material. 

Once these issues are fixed, a new button to send the topo to evaluation will appear.

Sending Premium topo to evaluation via the app

When a topo is in your teams maintenance, you will see a publish button on the crag page (left image below). 

After clicking the publish button, you will see a similar view as in the website which tells how well your topo matches the Premium criteria (right image below).

In this case the topo is complete and all the content is added by the author. So it's ready to be published! After clicking "publish" the topo will go for a review. 













Evaluation process

The evaluation process usually takes between 2-7 business days. After the crag is published you will be notified with an email.

If there are any issues with the content which prevent it from being published as Premium, we will email you with all the information needed to finish the topo.

When your topo is published, you will receive a quality factor between 0.5-1.0. The higher the quality factor and the better the topo quality is, and the higher your topo income will be. 

Updating topos

Even after publishing the topo, you can still add new route and make updates to it.

If you think the quality of the topo has increased with the updates (you have for example added better topo images, added additional info to routes or improved the description) you can ask it to be re-evaluated. It's always better to do many updates at the same time before sending the crag to re-evaluation.

If you want your topo to be re-evaluated, just send an email to teemu(at)27crags(dot)com with the name of the topo and with an explanation of parts that have been updated. 


If you have any additional questions about topo making don't hesitate to get in touch with us: tim(at)27crags(dot)com.